Judo Peace T-shirt

Judo is known as ‘the gentle way’, meaning no unnecessary power or force. However, to get to the gentle way, you must first work through the not-so-gentle way. Judo is hard on your fingers! It is common practice to ‘tape’ when training to protect the tendons and muscles as human hands are fragile. This shirt celebrates the not-so-gentle side of Judo by showing the peace symbol taped up. You could also interpret the hand sign as a symbol of victory as used during WW2. Victory is of course also important in Judo. The kanji in the back spells the word ‘Judo’.


How does it work?

Creating a custom-printed garment typically requires approximately one week. This process involves sourcing the clothing items, transporting them to the printing facility, and subsequently delivering the finished product to you, our valued customer. Due to these necessary steps, please anticipate a delivery time frame of up to one and a half weeks.

We’re delighted to offer our shipping services to any location within South Africa, and we promise to deliver your order to your doorstep with ease. We charge a minimum fee for shipment, which is calculated per order. If you come from somewhere outside South Africa, kindly reach out to us, and we’ll work things out. We’ll find an ideal plan that suits you and works for both parties. Our team is dedicated to providing you with a hassle-free experience when it comes to receiving your order, ensuring that it arrives safely and promptly. You can count on us to take care of your delivery needs, so you can sit back and relax while we get your package to you.